Truthiness: The Elon Musk EditionSurviving a time when accurate information is scarce, but unverified reports thrive!Jun 11, 2018Jun 11, 2018
Antirationalism & AntiscienceTo quote Daniel Moynihan — “People are entitled to their opinions. What they’re not entitled to are their own facts.”May 28, 2018May 28, 2018
The Perils of Being Female on the InternetWhy do women & men occupying the same space on the internet face vastly different experiences?Nov 30, 2017Nov 30, 2017
A Rebuttal To Outlook’s ArticleOn October 24th, an article appeared in Outlook magazine entitled “Dear Bollywood Actors, Would You Dare Name The Weinsteins Among You?” in…Nov 8, 2017Nov 8, 2017
How does Bollywood fare on the Bechdel Test?Traditionally, women in Indian cinema have served decorative and/or ancillary functions. Roles written for women are either as relatives or…Apr 16, 2017Apr 16, 2017
Say We Do Live in a Simulation. Now What?“We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.” — Christof (The Truman Show, 1998)Oct 24, 2016Oct 24, 2016